Credit cards that offer travel insurance will save you some money but do not have the same coverage as the cruise line. Here are two cards compared to Celebrity Cruises and CSA insurance.
The Platinum card from American Express does not offer emergency medical or dental benefits, trip accident insurance, and baggage delay. It does offer benefits like airport lounge access, hotel credits, entertainment credits, airline fee credits, and more. For a $695 annual fee, it might be worth a look.
The Chase Sapphire Preferred offers similar benefits to the Platinum card from American Express. The trip insurance has an opt-out on emergency evacuation and transportation, and emergency medical and dental benefits. The annual fee is $95 annually.
AMEX Platinum Chase Sapphire Preferred Celebrity CSA
Trip cancellation/ Interruption________________________________________________________
$10,000 per trip $10,000 per trip 100-150% cost of trip 100% cost of trip
Travel Delay_____________________________________________________________________
up to $500 up to $500 up to $500 $1000 per trip
Lost Baggage_____________________________________________________________________
$3000 per person $3000 per person up to $1500 $1000 per person
Baggage Delay____________________________________________________________________
None $100 per day up to 5 days up to $500 $200 per person
Medical & Dental Coverage _________________________________________________________
None None $25,000 per person $10,000 per person
Travel Accident ___________________________________________________________________
None up to $500,000 $50,000 per person $100,000 per person
Concierge Services & 24-hour Assistance ______________________________________________
Included Included Included Included
Celebrity will also offer you a cruise voucher if you need to cancel for pre-existing or other reasons for 90% of the penalties.
I would look at the full details of each insurance to see which will suit you the best for coverage of your trip. Without insurance, you may lose all your vacation investments.